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Case Study: From comfort zone content to exploding...

Today, we're diving into the journey of Dutchpro Nutrients, a leading plant nutrient company established in 1985. Despite serving over 40 countries globally, their online presence didn't quite match their industry status.

Our main goal? To give their online presence a facelift and boost customer trust. This involved a complete rebranding effort across their website, social media, and newsletters. However, our first hurdle was mismatched RGB colors, causing a disconnect between the brand and its website.
Phase 1 - Laying The Foundation

Pitchbox began by studying competitors to identify crucial information that the company should share as a foundation, as well as brainstorming ways to provide even more valuable resources. Our primary motivation for analyzing competitors was to avoid duplicating their design techniques. Copying their strategies would diminish the uniqueness of our client's brand.

During the initial year, our focus was on enhancing the website comprehensively. We meticulously improved each page, product information, and images. Introducing new and dynamic 3D models enhanced the presentation of products, while curated image selections ensured a consistent brand identity.

As we refined the website, we recognized the importance of customer education. This led to the implementation of full website translation options for different languages in the countries they served, as well as the development of distinct websites tailored to each continent. Ensuring grammatically correct text was also a priority. With the right tools, time, and effort, we achieved significant improvements in the first year by concentrating on this aspect of the company.
On the left (old style) and now the right (new style)
Phase 2: Time To Be Social

Phase 2 focused on leveraging social media, as previous minor efforts by the company had fallen short of their needs. Pitchbox stepped in to refine targeted marketing efforts and better understand customer preferences. We arrived at a crucial realization:
For many older businesses, social media can be daunting. However, within a year, we managed to increase customer conversations and email marketing engagement by over 50%. While social media wasn't the primary focus for the company, our modest efforts and monitoring led to unexpected progress.

Interestingly, Dutchpro, lacking active sales employees in America, relies entirely on social media marketing. Moreover, with significant expansion efforts in Spain and Germany, Dutchpro concentrates its European social media marketing efforts in these countries to introduce products to new end-consumers, prompting them to seek these products in local stores. These initiatives align with the company's broader global expansion strategy.

Our approach to social media marketing aimed to embody the company's style. We adopted a light-hearted tone, sharing behind-the-scenes footage, branding stories, and product information to establish a connection with Dutchpro's customers on a more personal level. While maintaining general Dutchpro accounts, some sales representatives also contributed by showcasing behind-the-scenes glimpses of shop visits, deliveries, and trade show experiences. This not only enriched the main account's content but also forged stronger connections with customers, showcasing the faces behind the products.

In essence, with the introduction of Instagram, Dutchpro underwent a transformation, becoming more approachable and trustworthy. When observing Dutchpro's Instagram account, one can see hardworking individuals striving to provide everyone with access to their remarkable products, reinforcing the brand's dedication and reliability.
Collection of Social Media Content:
Phase 3: Visual Updates

Admittedly, Dutchpro had the vibe of an old-timer brand. However, with some subtle tweaks, such as introducing new 3D models for the bottles, we breathed fresh life into the brand's overall appearance. We introduced the use of product manipulation edits and 3D video animation, improving Dutchpro's products to a whole new level of presentation. Although Dutchpro had already updated all product labels before partnering with Pitchbox, the outdated 3D models didn't quite complement them. Hence, we developed new 3D models featuring a much-improved light green tone that harmonized seamlessly with the labels.

Moving forward with Phase 3, our focus is on ensuring that all product information, images, and branding materials are readily accessible to retailers through a dedicated download page on the website. This initiative aims to streamline the process for shops to obtain the latest content from Dutchpro, eliminating the need for them to reach out individually. However, the less glamorous aspect of this phase involves reaching out to the numerous stores Dutchpro serves to ensure they update their visuals. For instance, in the UK alone, Dutchpro had to contact over 260 stores. While this task is ongoing, it represents a crucial step toward shaping the future of the brand.
NEW 3D Product Model Collection:
Final Thoughts:

Pitchbox's approach completely transformed Dutchpro's online presence. We gave their website a facelift, amped up their social media game, and enhanced their visual content. These changes not only modernized Dutchpro's brand image but also made it more engaging and accessible to customers. By focusing on these key areas, Pitchbox set Dutchpro on a path for long-term success in the digital world, ensuring they stay relevant and competitive in today's market.
Case Study: From comfort zone content to exploding...


Case Study: From comfort zone content to exploding...
